Host a Hero Day
More than ever we understand the value of our everyday heroes. Our firefighters, teachers, nurses and doctors all fighting on the front line. Show your students that they too can be everyday heroes by supporting sick kids and their families.
Choose a date that best suits your school and ask your students to dress as their favourite everyday hero for a gold coin donation. You can even go the extra mile and have other fundraising activities on the day!
Create your fundraising page online or register your fundraiser here.
Fundraising resources
These include social tiles, posters, activities, parent information flyers and a fundraising toolkit to help you reach your fundraising goal!
RMHC GWS poster (groups/organisations)
DownloadRMHC GWS donation bucket labels
DownloadRMHC GWS Learning Centre Colouring-in book
DownloadRMHC GWS School Fundraising Toolkit
DownloadHost a Hero Day poster
DownloadHost a Hero Day information flyer
DownloadHost a Hero Day activities
DownloadHost a Hero Day message of support
DownloadOne of our Hero Schools
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School held a 'Host a hero day' and together, raised an incredible $2,313!
The fun-filled day allowed students (and teachers) to dress up as their favourite everyday heros, and held a range of different fundraising activities.
Our gratitude to this entire school community cannot be put into words and we believe the Assistant Principal said it best "I'm so proud of our community"
Click here to register your Host a Hero Day.
Banking details
Once your school has finished it's fundraiser, please transfer the funds raised to:
Bank: Westpac
Name: Ronald McDonald House Charities Greater Western Sydney Limited
BSB: 032 340 Account: 119 901
Reference: (Name of school)
Alternatively you can send a cheque made out to Ronald McDonald House Charities Greater Western Sydney
Locked Bag 4001, Westmead NSW 214
Att: Community Fundraising
Reach out-we're here to help you every step of the way!
Monica De Wildt
Senior Community Fundraising Coordinator
Phone: 9806 7129