Ivy Wynne

Ivy Wynne

My Achievements

Created fundraising page

Uploaded a profile picture

Made self donation

Received first donation

Shared page

Raised 1 night of support

Raised 2 nights of support

Raised 3 nights of support

Reached 50% of fundraising goal

Reached 100% of fundraising goal

Thank you to my Sponsors


Belinda Walters

We’ll done Ivy


Tessa Hill

Go Ivy!


Jo Fairfax

Well done Ivy!


Lisa Diggins

Wonderful organisation that makes things a little easier for families going through a tough time. We’ll done Ivy❤️




Alison Asher

Go Ivy! Love your work. ❤️


Isabelle & Immy Perkins

Such a great cause 🥰 Go Ivy! 🤩


Luke Nobes


Kirsty Oakey (maunder)

Great cause, thank you! Good luck with your marathon walk.


Beverley & Kerry Stray

Fantastic that young people like you are doing such a fantastic job at helping others unknown to you there are still good young people around. Thank you all


Michelle Clydsdale


Bnb Made Easy

Great to see you doing good things Ivy!


Rebecca Begg

Good on you, Ivy! A great cause ❤️


Brenden Cousins


Gary Scovell


Tracy Tydd


Carly Wynne